Monday, November 14, 2011

Sturmey Archer lamps: second attempt

Back in the summer of 2008 I was quite proud of myself when I managed to get a hold of a set of NOS Sturmey Archer lamps for my wife's Raleigh Superbe from a Canadian seller for about half of the going rate at the time ($67, to be exact).  Two years later my faith (what little was left) in humanity was shattered when a very bad man (I've called him worse) very craftily stole the rear light.  This faith was somewhat restored when a very nice reader of this blog offered to send me a replacement rear lamp at no charge (thanks Jeff!).  A last minute discovery of an auction with less than an hour to go has turned up another NOS Sturmey light set, also going for well below market price (and also, coincidentally, sold by a Canadian seller).  I bid, finished my dinner and was delighted (but not surprised) to find that I had won!

Sturmey Archer NOS light set
Just a week ago I won an auction for a NOS GH-6 Dynohub, a 1978, from the same seller:

1978 NOS Sturmey Archer GH-6 Dynohub. Not quite as elegant as earlier models.

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